Thursday, April 10, 2008

I have a dream

I have a dream that one day we will be able to program cool stuff on the web without having to use JavaScript.

I have a dream that one day we can code for the web in one language while using proper design patterns like MVC.

I have a dream where people do not have to walk in fear if they don’t use Internet Explorer web pages won’t display properly.

I have a dream that one day you code once and it looks the same in every web browser.

I have a dream where I can have my web browser running with 7 tabs open and it uses under 100 MB of memory.

I have a dream where users on different operating systems are NOT left behind when going to web sites because they use proprietary technology.

I have a dream of open protocols that can be used by anyone to communicate without hidden API’s, DRM, or fear of prosecution for patent violation.

I have a dream where HD video content can be downloaded in seconds and not hours or days…

I have a dream where all packets are created equal and are not treated different from ISP’s because of their shape, size, or content.

I have a dream….

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