Monday, August 27, 2007

Why buying from the Internet is so much easier than buying from Best Buy

Ok where to start? Saturday the Costoda decided that his piece of crap Microsoft wheel mouse on his 24" iMac has out lived it's usefulness. So, the decision was made to pick up a super cool Razer Death Adder mouse. This is the same mouse that is on my 64-bit workstation UGM (Ultimate Gaming Machine). Getting Vista 64-bit is a whole other blog post.

So anyhoo I take a trip to the Best Buy on the west side of town. They had one left in stock. Perfect. I purchase and take my prize home. I get home plug it into the mac, great blue light comes on, but no mouse movement. Ok, I reboot. Still no mouse movement.... Ok, plug into the ThinkCrap. Still, same thing. Ok plug into UGM. Same thing, no stinking mouse movement. *sigh* It's 11 PM by this time, which means I'll have to return it on Sunday.

I go to Best Buy at 12:15 PM. After standing inline for 20 minutes I explain how the mouse looks awesome but doesn't work and I want one that does work. She states I should go and get one to replace it with from the shelf. Ok, I go and look, no stinking mice on the shelf. GREAT!! So I go back and stand in line for 10 more minutes. After a few calls she states the store on the East side of town has a few and I should pack up my crap and go there. Needless to say by this time I'm already late for another appointment, so this will have to wait until Monday, which is today.

So after work I go to the store and stand in line. I explain my store AGAIN and she looks in the computer. Ok they have one left in inventory. I go to the shelf, no mouse. GREAT!!! I go back and explain to her that it's not there. She looks around. 15 minutes passes. Some dude comes up and states they will have to get another one from a different store. He attempts to make his Cisco VOIP phone connect to another store in Wisconsin. 1o more minutes pass by. As he finalizes the day, the chick returns from the back with the last mouse they have. They found it. So after like over 2 hours of running around I finally have a working mouse.

So explain to me why this is worth paying way more for a mouse when I could order it from Newegg have it here in 3 days and pay a LOT less for it? I want to drink the help out the local community by purchasing crap local, but man oh man, sometimes they make it really hard to swallow....


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